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// lead guitar, vocals



Alan is a great lead guitar player and an incredible singer.   He is an outstanding performer!


// pedal steel, keyboards, fiddle, vocals


Jeff's the band leader,

and he describes himself as the lead dancer!  HAHA


// drums, bass guitar, vocals


Woody is our drummer, guitar and vocalist.  His talents are endless.  His pure country soul comes shining thru his music!


// bass guitar, vocals



Randy is our bass guitarist and vocalist.  His singing 

comes from the heart.  He is so smooth on the bass and lays the foundation for all our music!


Regal Country is a dance band that is dedicated on providing the best in country dance music.  We make this possible by keeping true to the songs original sound.  As you can see, we all play numerous instruments and we all sing as well.  By having a pedal steel guitar, fiddle, keyboards and, four guitarist, four vocalists, we can play such a variety of songs that other bands just can't pull off.  Once you hear Randy sing a Conway Twitty song,  Jeff sing a George Strait song, or Woody sing a Merle Haggard song, you will realize this band is in a league of their own.


All of our songs are chosen by answering one question... can you dance to it?  Because we cater to you, the dancers, we choose our songs based on the tempo speed and type.  We will play slower two step songs for the beginning dancers, medium speed two step for the beginner/intermediate dancers and faster two step songs for the more advanced or courageous dancers.  We also play plenty of shuffle or triple two step songs, waltzes, cowboy chacha and line dance songs.  


We do all this for one reason, and that reason is YOU! You are the most important part of this band.  We want you to check out your own page entitled (YOUR PAGE). This page is dedicated to you, so please check it out!

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